Monday, April 30, 2012


matric life 终于结束了。 我记得第一个sem 回来时,一直想家,现在回到家又想念起那里了。人生嘛 总是这么矛盾的。当然 不只是想念那里的生活,还有很多舍不得的好友 好比亲人般的朋友。真的非常谢谢这些朋友们的照顾还有给过我的温暖 让我能够充实地度过精彩的每一天。记得Sem I让我印象最深的就是我的生日了 几个结识没多久的槟城朋友与我共同在关丹庆祝,打保龄球。然后搞中秋 更是让我从中学习了不少。每次从那里回来时 不管是放假还是有事回家 一定会有人说我变圆变胖了 然后再来捏一捏我的脸=.= 好无聊哦~ 没关系的 我决定了努力减肥!!
第二个学期呢 就是忙新春了 舞蹈都够头痛还要面对ups考试。过了新春的日子 可以说是比较无压力的日子有一小段 期间也发生了不少事情 人家说 : 不经一事不长一智。我体验了不少。一直到学期要结束了 才发现身旁原来有好多好多的幸。以前的我总是认为 自己永远没有机会得到的幸福 如今我有感受到。以前 我总是很努力地在给别人快乐 幸福 温暖 关心 照顾 希望有一天自己也会被人这么宽待 =)性格有时也变得较啰嗦了 : X 哈哈 不过我不介意。 人最重要是要活得快乐 同时也要不断的学习与长进啊。

今天下午 在家有点闷 做完家务了 在想要做什么好。一时hiao 了下 就拿了“那些年”的光碟 从头看了一遍 感触多 不禁哭了。哈哈。幸福永远是自己去追求的 错过了是一种遗憾。 可是 他说 
“ 当时的我 错了。可是当你真的喜欢一个女孩 当她幸福快乐时, 你也会快乐 然后真心地祝福他。” 好感动~ 人生变化无常 要好好珍惜才最重要!=)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Drop By's been a long long time that I didn't write blog. Well, it's not a big deal either because I'm not writing for anyone. It's just a part of life.My life have been stuck in Pahang Matriculation College for the past 9 months. Hectic life there makes me feel a little bored now. Infact, coming home frequently first for Dong Zhi & Christmas then  CNY n Cap Goh Mei will definitely make my homesickness worse. However, only 81 days's just 81 days. Can't I endure it? 27 April 2012...I'm really anticipating. Gambateh Caryn! You can do it...

O ya...another thing I wanted to say. It is a bit sensible. But I just couldn't bear to keep it in my heart any longer. I hope you listen to me. Please understand me. Take your first step. Just one more step closer to me and I'll be ur Jar of Heart. I gt feelings towards you. Really..But why are you such a coward. I hope you'll realise someday. I'll continue waiting for you, please don't disappoint me. I understand you well. But Don't worry.I'll continue to understand you better.